Obama sets new vehicle emission standards

President Barack Obama is expected to make an announcement today that will set strict limits on vehicle pollution and establish national standards across the US for the first time. ┬á White House officials describe the forthcoming announcement as ÔÇ£historic,ÔÇØ as it is expected to save 1.8 billion barrels of oil by 2016, the equivalent of taking 177 million cars off the road. ┬á The BBC's Jonathan Beale, in Washington, says President Obama has made tackling climate change a priority, and until now it was only few individual states, like California, that has been attempting to cut greenhouse gas emissions. ┬á The US auto industry had also been less inclined to change, but facing tougher times and having to rely on government aid it is now backing the new national standards. ┬á "GM and the auto industry benefit by having more consistency and certainty to guide our product plans," GM chief executive Fritz Henderson said in a statement. ┬á President ObamaÔÇÖs rules would aim to cut emissions by 30 percent and put fuel efficiency at 35.5 miles per gallon, compared to an average mileage for 2009 models of 25 miles per gallon.┬á The increase in mileage is to be introduced gradually, and is expected to add $1,300 to the cost of a vehicle by the time it is fully implemented in 2016. ┬á President Obama's plan would still need the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency and the transport department.